Increase LTV with Better Monetization

Growth with Better Monetization

You can 10X your subscriber LTV when you focus your optimization efforts on the biggest opportunities.

Click here to discover how in this week’s episode of Be Unleavable Subscription Growth:

Most efforts to increase subscriber LTV have an incremental impact, at best.

Your average LTV likely directs you to focus your optimization efforts in the wrong place.

Instead, you must stratify your subscribers by LTV.  First the lowest, high-value customers and then your strata of ultra-high value subscribers.

How many of your subscribers fall into each strata gives you a lot of information about how your optimization efforts are going?

Within this episode of Be Unleavable Subscription Growth, we talk about how to increase your LTV via stratification. Plus, you’ll get to look inside the numbers of a billion-dollar subscription business to see how they optimize LTV, giving you rare insight on how to do this yourself.

Watch Be Unleavable Subscription Growth now.

About Robert Skrob

The problem with subscription membership programs is that members quit, I fix that problem. For more than 20-years I have specialized in direct response marketing for member recruitment, retention and ascension in diverse subscription members environments including non-profit associations, for-profit publishers/coaching, subscriptions and SAAS companies. For an evaluation of your current churn rate and how I can improve it, contact me here. I discover there are often two or three quick wins you can implement within a week to lower churn immediately, let’s talk about your quick wins.
10X Subscription Growth

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