Imagine cruising down a country road in your brand new BMW 750i. A beautiful car that combines performance with luxury. It takes the curves with ease, even at higher than normal speeds.
Out of nowhere, your driver’s door gets rammed by a 1994 Toyota Camry that missed a stoplight. Your air bags go off and you lose control, regaining your composure just in time to steer around a pole and stop your car before you end up at the bottom of a ditch.
This is what it’s like when you have a membership program with high monthly churn rates. Churn is the number of members who dropped out of your program this month divided by the number of members you had at the beginning of the month. Fifteen percent is common. And anything over 5 percent is like getting T-boned.
Your membership program should run like a perfectly engineered machine, the epitome of luxury and performance. High churn is like getting rammed every month as members contact you and your team to cancel.
“Too expensive.” Ram!
“Not enough value.” Ram!
“Your program doesn’t work for me.” Ram!
“Credit card declined, no answer.” Ram!
“Credit card expired.” Ram!
I’m hosting a webinar next week, on October 20th. I will outline how several of my clients are creating membership programs that deliver the luxury and performance you expect from a well-engineered program.
Here are the details for this program:
Member Retention Secrets
How to Keep Members in Your Monthly Subscription and Coaching Programs for Years Instead of Months
Are you tired of losing as many members as you add each month? Are you overwhelmed by the monthly task of fulfilling everything you promised your members? Do members quit, accusing your program of not working—without even trying the tools and resources you provided?
This webinar reveals how to solve these frustrations and more, including:
- Why your members drop out so quickly, and the simple change you can make to get your members engaged in your program and to the point of success.
- How you must deliver a lot LESS value to keep your members LONGER.
- The ways your members change while they are in your program, and how to speak differently to long-term members as opposed to new members.
- Easy ways to deliver value that take little-to-no time on your part, but retain members for years and even decades.
- The secret to leading the “Membership Lifestyle,” with a growing list of subscribers who recruit new members and provide content to grow your program, generating more revenue for you, along with giving you the time to enjoy it.
If you are tired of losing members as fast as you add new ones, enroll in this webinar to discover the easy way you can transform your program into a member retention machine.
This webinar includes five case studies where I reveal exactly what to do to transform your high monthly churn rates into high-performance member retention.
I’m offering this webinar because I’m frustrated with poor-performing membership programs. There are more than 200,000 associations employing more than 1.5 million people within the United States. These organizations recruit and retain hundreds of millions of members and have been doing this for hundreds of years. They know a lot about membership, and I’d like to share these insights with you.
Plus, when you register I’ll share a report with the same member retention secrets I’ve been implementing with my private clients over the last 6 months to achieve tremendous results. It’s a brief document titled Member Retention: Why most membership programs fail and how to boost your member retention from weeks to years.
If you’d like to keep more of the members you are losing each month but don’t know where to start, this can give you several quick wins that will immediately improve retention. Just follow the steps I outline and you’ll be light-years ahead of anyone else.
If you’ve been working on retention for years and think you have it down pretty well, this will give you a scoreboard to judge your program’s performance as well as a few ideas you may not have thought of that can help you retain more of the members you recruit.
Member Retention is free. Just register for the webinar by clicking below:
Yes, Robert, register me for your Member Retention Secrets webinar right now!