In this year’s presidential election, a lot of fuss has been made over the size of a candidate’s hands and the implied size of his … well, you know. Private parts are no longer very personal.
Same with numbers. I speak with many membership marketers who tell me their programs are healthy when they know they aren’t. It’s like going to the doctor when you’re sick, but instead of describing your symptoms, you tell him everything is fine. I’m a physician of membership; I’m accustomed to looking at private numbers, keeping them private, and helping to diagnose ways to re-store health.
There are lots of myths about growing memberships. One myth is that member churn is natural and necessary. It is natural, but it’s natural in the same way that there’s a healthy amount of sweating, and then there’s the kind of sweating that can lead to heat stroke. It’s critical to address the factors that cause churn and make sure your membership losses aren’t happening because you are disappointing new members.
Membership growth is a natural result of membership program health. Member programs are healthy when you have a vibrant community helping members improve their lives. Healthy pro-grams grow naturally; they don’t require a lot of work or huge new member growth efforts.
You don’t have to force a new plant to grow. Instead, you provide it with the soil, moisture, fertilizer, and sunlight it needs, and it does the work of growing all on its own. Same with healthy membership programs.
If your membership program isn’t growing the way you’d like … if you are losing members as fast as you can put them in … if you’d like an answer to stopping your members from quitting … let’s schedule a complementary consolation to discuss. Schedule a call with me at