Before you launch your business, it’s all speculation. You know what you’d love to teach. You know what you wish had been available for you as you were growing. But, you don’t know what customers will buy or how much they’ll pay. That’s why you have to launch.
Dr. Darold Opp recently launched a high-end product and coaching program for family dentists with an event called $786,000 Preventative Services Goldmine. There were more than 30 attendees at the $5,000 per dentist event, one of the most expensive programs available in the dentistry niche.
Dr. Opp is a solo dentist generating over $3.5 million in revenue with more than $1 million a year going to the bottom line. While that top line is impressive, we learned that’s not what dentists were most excited to buy. In fact, dentists were most excited about learning how Dr. Opp structured his hygiene department to completely cover his office overhead.
Dr. Opp hired Jerry Jones of Jerry Jones Direct for copywriting and marketing work. Jerry did a masterful job and it was his efforts which included email, direct mail, and telemarketing that discovered this breakthrough.
We were able to launch Dr. Opp’s coaching program at the event. And now, we are planning to promote this “seminar in a box” to the more than 400 leads Dr. Opp collected as part of the seminar marketing effort.
Ending your first event with coaching clients, a brand-new product you can offer, 400 leads, and a new understanding of what your customers are interested in buying is a fantastic result of a new launch.