The Monthly Benefits That Retain Members for Years Increasing Your Retention and Recurring Revenue

It’s not easy bringing you all this great member retention insight

It’s not easy bringing you all this great member retention insight. Just last month, I spent a week in Northern California meeting with two clients. I was at the beach a full week for the Florida tourism marketing industry. And, at the end of October, I traveled to Mumbai to work with an Agora Global affiliate on subscriber engagement and retention.

Northern California was beautiful. After spending three days in Sacramento working with the team at the California Chamber of Commerce, I moved on to Napa to work with Gene Kelly and his team at the Gun Club of America. The photo for this blog post is the team of the Gun Club of America. Gene Kelly started GCA in 2007 to create a community for people who love guns, know how they work, and enjoy collecting them. We worked together as a team to create a brand-new value proposition, education curriculum, onboarding path, and lead magnet, and we revitalized the new member offer.

The weather was beautiful while I was in Northern California. This was just a couple of weeks before the fires.  While I was there it was wonderful, which allowed me to start each day with a run.

I’m sure this training is what contributed to a successful triathlon on October 6, the Sprint on the Flint. I finished a sprint triathlon, which included a 400-meter swim, a 10-mile bike ride, and a 3.1-mile run, within an hour and 5 minutes and 16 seconds. This was a full 6 1/2 minutes less than the same triathlon last year. It was a huge improvement in every phase of the event. And, I hit the podium, finishing third in my age group. My wife finished first in her age group.

In all my work this month, I kept coming back to the same three lessons.

First, it’s all about your customer. Have you done the hard work of identifying your best target customer? No really, write it out, document it, and share it with your team. Do you know their chief frustrations, mistakes they make they don’t know they are making, and how they really feel about the problems they face in their lives? This is the most important first step. It’s where we discover some of the biggest breakthroughs in my client work.

Secondly, what is the transformation your members experience when they go from their problem-riddled lives to their wonderful lives after becoming your member? How does your subscription membership solve problems? How does your member feel after these problems are solved? This is what you use to generate more new members in a month than you currently get all year.

And finally, what are your community values? What must your members believe to implement what you teach? This is the biggest shortcut to creating content on an ongoing basis and building a vibrant tribal community. If you’ve ever been frustrated because you have to start over creating content for yet one more month, you haven’t clarified your tribal values. This is a huge shortcut to creating content that your members want and will keep your membership to receive.

I can’t wait until December. I’ll be winding down with clients, planning for the new year. If you’d like to be included on my list of 2018 subscription membership growth success stories, you’d better call now. Dates are almost gone, but I’ll do everything to fit you into December or early January that I can. I hate poor membership growth and desperately want to see you succeed.

About Robert Skrob

The problem with subscription membership programs is that members quit, I fix that problem. For more than 20-years I have specialized in direct response marketing for member recruitment, retention and ascension in diverse subscription members environments including non-profit associations, for-profit publishers/coaching, subscriptions and SAAS companies. For an evaluation of your current churn rate and how I can improve it, contact me here. I discover there are often two or three quick wins you can implement within a week to lower churn immediately, let’s talk about your quick wins.
10X Subscription Growth

One Comment on “The Monthly Benefits That Retain Members for Years Increasing Your Retention and Recurring Revenue”

  1. Hi Robert, Thanks for your latest update and business travel. It was godd you got to see the wine country before the fires. It is a beautiful region of northern California.All the best foryour December plans and for 2018. John Barnett

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