By definition, success must involve other people. Even for the most individual of achievements, success requires the cooperation of and assistance from a lot of people.
Over the year, I’ve been blessed with an outpouring of support and well wishes from hundreds of members.
Thank you.
I appreciate your support and interest. Your success is my #1 goal. It’s the entire reason I created the Information Marketing Association.
Back in 2006, Dan Kennedy, Bill Glazer and I observed people who were building their businesses recklessly. They had terrific marketing skills. However, they didn’t know how to run a business. Too often, even though they were excellent at marketing, their businesses faltered. Some went away entirely, and others just suffered in silence.
We created the IMA to provide the business-building resources info-marketers needed to build long-term, sustainable businesses.
While I’ve been proud of the resources the IMA offers, there hasn’t been a course, a step-by-step process to follow to build a business in the right way from scratch. Now, with the Info-Marketing Pyramid all of that changed.
I have received criticism for the webinar. Some have told me, “you make it appear to hard, who talks about all the work involved when you are trying to sell a course.”
Although I do offer a program, as you can see from the webinar, that’s not my priority. The priority is to give you with a thorough understanding of how the finances within an info-marketing business really works. Where the profits are, where the potential pitfalls are located and how, if you are willing to do the necessary work, you are able to overcome those and succeed.
The info-marketing business is a great business. It requires little overhead, few employees, you can work from anywhere and the profit opportunity is large. However, there are some limitations and there are a few realities you must approach with your eyes wide open.
I’ll let others get customers by pulling the wool over their eyes. The IMA and Robert Skrob is all about helping you with clarity about the business you are building and an honest assessment of the work involved.
I just want to tell you thank you. Thank you for your support. Thank you for your interest. And thank you for your friendship.
If you haven’t seen the webinar, you can check it out now, it’s available at