I had to look like I was strong, even though I was gasping for air. I couldn’t use altitude as an excuse, because we were at sea level.
The Skrob family got away for a vacation to San Francisco and Yosemite National Park. While in San Francisco, we wanted to see the redwood trees in Muir Woods, a short drive from the Golden Gate Bridge. We were up for a hike anyway, and when we found out the place was so crowded, the parking lot was full, we decided to go to Stinson Beach and hike from there to Muir Woods.
Maps and some signs put the distance at six miles. It was more like 70. At least, it felt that way to me. Lots of elevation gain as we left the coast, heading toward the redwoods. There were several climate changes. The warm coastline gave way to rain forests as we approached the top. Although it wasn’t raining, water dripped from the trees as fog blew in from the Pacific Ocean and condensed in the high tree tops.
I’m happy to report that we reached Muir Woods. As our reward, we strolled among the 1,000- and 2,000–year-old trees. It may be my imagination, but I thought I could hear them singing to me. Our second reward was the seven-mile-hike back to Stinson Beach.
We continued the hike when we got to Yosemite National Park. We hiked from Sentinel Dome to Glacier Point and back. I was glad my son said he was too tired to go on — that way I didn’t have to admit that I was tired too.
In addition to the long mountainous hikes I’ve been on this summer, I’ve also taken on the responsibility of providing a free monthly Live Cast for you, my loyal Skrob Report readers. These have been tremendously successful over the last two months. You’ll definitely want to get in on this month’s LiveCast.
For September, I’ll be doing a deep dive into how to welcome new members. This is a membership area that I’m especially known for. And, I have a couple of welcome kits I’ve just finished creating that you’ve likely never seen. Come see the latest and greatest by registering for the live cast, Tribal Membership — Empowering your members to discover themselves within your community, by visiting www.TribalMembership.com.
I appreciate all the well-wishes I’ve received since I announced my “health scare” trip to the emergency room with chest pains. The doctors haven’t found anything wrong with my heart, but my new diet appears to be keeping me really healthy. I’m pleased to say the vacation with all the hiking has helped me reduce stress as well. I’ll talk to you on this month’s Live Cast.