How do you customize your marketing message to fit the variety of customers joining your program, all coming in at different skill levels? What should your offer be when some of your prospective members are head of one-person businesses while others run businesses of 20, 50, or more employees? How do you structure a new member welcome, when new members are starting at different places?
Attorneys join the Personal Injury Lawyers Marketing & Management Association (PILMMA) at different stages in their law practice. One might have a solo practice, while another could have associates; still another might have a large practice with dozens of attorneys in offices around their state. Developing a member proposition was a challenge for such a diverse market.
That’s when Ken Hardison, together with members of his team, Frankie Fihn and Billy Fansler, developed the Stages of Law Firm Growth chart you see here. This chart was inspired by a similar chart Sean Greeley of Net Profit Explosion created for fitness businesses.
Revealing how to grow a law firm from one stage to the next creates substantial value for any attorney who is struggling and looking for solutions. This chart illustrates the challenges and opportunities at each growth stage and the key innovations that are necessary to progress to the next stage of growth.
This chart has allowed the team at PILMMA to tailor their sales funnel to attorneys at each stage. Early on, each attorney fills out a survey to help them identify their stage. Then, the rest of the sales message and follow-up sequence is customized to speak to the frustrations they have and the transformations they will experience after progressing to the next stage.
The Stages of Law Firm Growth is a member recruitment tool for PILMMA enabling Ken and his team to use the best member recruitment message for each prospective member. Its content helps members recognize that the problems they’re experiencing are symptoms of their growth stage. PILMMA can then equip members with the tools they need to move ahead. Plus, it’s a retention tool because it shows members that the growth of their firm is a long-term journey, rather than something that can be fixed with a single seminar or product purchase.