An early business mentor, Bill Glazer, told me in 2004: “Most business owners get a new customer to make a sale. Smart owners focus on getting a new customer to buy a series of transactions.” While I liked the idea of getting a series of transactions from a new customer rather than one sale, my first thought was, What’s the … Continued
Gamify Your Products to Increase Engagement, Improve Long-term Retention and Generate Great Testimonials
If I told you there’s a free way to generate excellent outcome testimonials from a large number of your product buyers, improve engagement, and extend long-term member retention, would you want to know what that is? Perfect, it’s something I learned from Sean Greeley. Sean Greeley is one of the smartest marketers I know. He’s a longtime friend who owns … Continued
Most Subscription Marketers Should Ignore My Advice: How to Decide if I Can Help You
Why are you offering subscriptions to your customers? What is your subscription program for? Did you start a subscription program because it was the best way to serve your members? Or did you hear that a subscription is a great way to make money, and you want to pursue 2019’s version of the Gold Rush of 1849? When James W. … Continued
The $651,958.00 Email Series
Can you imagine a series of emails generating $651,958.00? It’s hard to believe, isn’t it? This is the power of retention. And if it’ll work this well with this example, it’ll work for you too. Bradford Tax Institute delivers tax-saving strategies to members of the Tax Reduction Letter. How much do you enjoy working on your taxes? Exactly! This is … Continued
Lessons Learned from an Email Series that Generated $651,958.00
I’m coming to you this month from seat 6E in the first-class cabin of flight AA1229 from San Diego to Dallas where I’ll catch a flight home to Tallahassee. I’ve been traveling a lot this summer. There’s a lot of Retention Deficit Disorder out there, and I’m the guy subscription membership programs call to treat it.. We’ve had a tumultuous … Continued
Lots and Lots of Value May Retain Members, But It’s Not a Business Plan
It didn’t take long for the Movie Pass bubble to bust. It offered unlimited movies for $9.95 a month. Movie Pass paid theaters full-price admissions for the tickets, and Movie Pass members took full advantage. Now Movie Pass is out of cash and dying. They attracted the wrong crowd of members. They attracted takers — those who love taking advantage … Continued
Retention Deficit Disorder and How to Cure It
Does your membership attract as many new members as it should? Do you retain at least 70% of your new members for more than six months? Are your membership numbers growing to meet your goals? You are suffering from Retention Deficit Disorder. I’ll explain the treatment in detail, but first let me tell you how I came to discover this … Continued
Changing Your Member’s Mental Picture of Your Membership
Wow, that cartoon. What happens from the first image to the second? Does the guy get killed? Can you see the ax swing in your mind’s eye? Where does the ax hit? In this illustration, you did the killing, not the cartoonist. In your mind, you moved the ax. And, everyone I’ve shown this to has told me a different … Continued
The No. 1 Flaw in Membership and Subscription Marketing Today
Did you wake up this morning hoping for a webinar? You’ve gone all week without one. Perhaps your spouse used to give you webinars, but no longer. Then there was that one vendor who always offered webinars, but they don’t even do it anymore. Disappointing? No, you didn’t wake up hoping for a webinar. And neither did your members. And … Continued
Amazon Prime vs. Costco Membership: Which Has Higher Retention, and What Does it Mean for You?
Amazon Prime now has more members than Costco and higher retention. But which company is the best for you to emulate? Amazon’s CEO Jeff Bezos reported that Amazon Prime membership exceeded 100 million members. At $99.00 annually, this has turned into a huge profit center. But there’s more. Prime members spend more than four times more than non-Prime customers with … Continued